Every Pokémon Card Back (And Where It Came From)

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Virtually all trading card games have rules stating that the back of each card must be identical. This is so the player cannot distinguish a unique card before drawing it from their deck. But there are actually over 20 different Pokémon card backs! Some are not legal for tournament play, and others are highly collectible.

Top Deck Top Loader Binder Review After 3 Months

Top Deck Top Loader Binder

When I saw that Top Deck now makes binder for top loaders, I knew I had to buy one. This post isn’t sponsored, nore have I ever been in contact with Top Deck, I purchased this product for my own personal use and after 3 months I want to give it an honest review.

Trick or Trade Pokémon Card 2023 Setlist

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For years now I’ve been handing out Pokémon cards for Halloween. What else do you do with all of the bulk laying around? But its super cool to see TPCI actually catching on to this trend and spreading it across the world.

What ‘Vintage’ Really Means for Pokémon Cards

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All WotC cards are vintage, but not all vintage cards are WotC. The WotC era ended during the e-series cards, which were carried on briefly by TPC. Even though the production of Pokémon cards changed hands, the cards themselves didn’t’ change that much.