Brand New Pokémon TCG Items Revealed For 2024
By: Em Stonham
- Published:
There are some incredible Pokémon trading card game releases on the horizon this year. Whether you’re a fan of collecting beautiful cards or finding strong Pokémon to add to your latest competitive deck, there will be something great for you to add to your collection in 2024.
In fact, some truly exciting products have just been announced by The Pokémon Company- and we’ve summarized everything you need to know about them here. There’s a brand new Knock Out Collection to get excited about, alongside two ex Deluxe Battle Decks featuring designs with some fan-favorite Pokémon.
Here’s what you need to know about the latest Pokémon TCG product announcements.
A New Knock Out Collection Is Available Now
To start, a brand new Knock Out Collection has just been announced.
If you’re unfamiliar with this product type, Pokémon TCG: Knock Out Collections are dedicated card collections that usually revolve around a group of key Pokémon. The Knock Out Collections with multiple Pokémon often feature multiple holo promo cards, alongside a couple of Booster Packs and a Pokémon coin.
The latest Knock Out Collection doesn’t quite fit the mold, though.
This brand new item revolves around one particular Pokémon – Iron Jugulis – and it looks absolutely incredible. As you can see in our cover photo, the artwork for the set is sunset-inspired and the cards inside should be just as beautiful.
When purchasing the Iron Jugulis Knock Out Collection, fans can expect to find:
- A gorgeous foil promo card featuring Iron Jugulis
- A themed sticker sheet
- A code card for Pokémon TCG Live
- Two Pokémon TCG Booster Packs
The item is currently available on The Pokémon Center website and is retailing for £7.85 GBP/ $9.99 USD/$13.36 CAD which is a very reasonable price considering the amount of value that the set offers. It’s worth taking a look at if you’re a fan of Iron Jugulis.
Two New ex Deluxe Battle Decks Coming Out In March
There’s a lot coming up in March this year – including the Paldea Adventure Chest and the latest Stacking Tins – and The Pokémon Company has just added another couple of incredible products into the mix.
Two new ex Deluxe Battle Decks are set to come out on the 22nd of March this year, featuring beloved Pokémon Zapdos and Ninetales. Ninetales in particular is a very popular Pokémon, so it’s exciting to see it getting featured in this way.
If you’ve never picked up an ex Deluxe Battle Deck before, here’s what you can expect to see in both of the upcoming products:
- A Pokémon coin
- A code for Pokémon TCG Live
- A playmat
- A strategy sheet
- A set of damage counters and a set of condition markers
- A ready-to-use 60 card deck (including essentials like Energy cards)
The card lists for both ex Deluxe Battle Decks are already available, too, thanks to PokéBeach’s initial reports. The decks obviously feature a gorgeous ex for each featured Pokémon but there are lots of other exciting cards to grab, too.
The Zapdos deck features the Pawmot evolution chain, Hawlucha, and a beautiful Miraidon ex, and the Ninetales deck features Rapidash and Ponyta, Vulpix, and Paldean Tauros. There are also some exceptional Trainer cards in the mix too, with Judge, Ryme, and Professor’s Research (Professor Sada)- the latter of which being available in both decks.
All in all, these ex Deluxe Battle Decks are looking like a lot of fun. At the time of writing, there aren’t any online card stores or hobby shops which have pre-orders open for these items but keep an eye on your favorites as pre-orders are sure to be available shortly.
New Ultra PRO Accessories Dropping Later This Year
Finally, there’s a selection of new Ultra PRO merchandise on the way, featuring Greninja as the star of the show.
If you’ve been reading our articles for a while, you’re bound to have noticed that we’re big fans of Ultra PRO merchandise here at Sleeve No Card Behind. It’s officially licensed and high quality, and the Ultra PRO team always seems to nail the personality of each individual Pokémon that they pick to feature.
This set is no exception.
We don’t have a specific release date available for this set unfortunately, but we do know that it should be dropping in the second quarter of this year. If you’re unfamiliar with this term, it usually refers to April, May, and June. It’s likely (based on previous Ultra PRO releases) that we’ll see this in late May or early June.
The release will include premium card sleeves, a playmat, deck boxes, card binders, card portfolios (4-pocket and 9-pocket iterations), and small card albums. Each one will feature the cool-toned blue and white design with Greninja striking a hero pose on the front.
As the release date hasn’t been announced yet, pre-orders are not available for these items at the time of writing this article.
For now, make sure to check out our official Instagram page for the latest and greatest product reveals, reviews, and sneak peeks. We don’t have access to any of these items yet but as soon as we do, we’ll be sure to show you all.