New Attack on Titan Universus Quick Guide to Rarity and More
By: Oliver Copeland
- Published:
- Last Updated: February 14, 2025

All Rarities In The New Set
Universus fans will know that there are a handful of rarities that can sometimes get a little overwhelming for newbies. But its actually very simple:
- C – Common
- UC – Uncommon
- R – Rare
- R-ALT – Rare (Alternate Art)
- UR – Ultra Rare
- UR-ALT – Ultra Rare (Alternate Art)
- SR – Secret Rare
- SR-ALT – Secret Rare (Alternate Art)
- CH-C – Character Common
- CH-UC – Character Uncommon
- CH-R – Character Rare
- CH-UR – Character Ultra Rare
- CH-UR-ALT – Character Ultra Rare (Alternate Art)
- CH-SR – Character Secret Rare
- CH-SR-ALT – Character Secret Rare (Alternate Art)
- CH-CR – Character Chrome Rare
- P – Promotional
It is simple! I swear!
Like most card games the rarity scale goes Common>Uncommon>Rare>Secret Rare. And in Universus, this basic rarity scale is applied.
However, this scale also applies to the Character cards.
In addition to this, some rarities have ‘ALT’ after them. This just means that the card has alternate artwork and it many cases is actually more rare that its non-alternate counterpart.
And above all, we have the Chrome Rare.
These cards are serialized, which means they have a number on them. For example, you may pull the Chrome Rare Mikasa Ackerman with the numbers 005/100.
This means that you have the 5th printed of only 100. That’s right, only 100 Chrome rares exist for each CH-CR. In this case, the new Attack on Titan Battle For Humanity set has 6 Chrome Rares, meaning a total of 600 exist in the world.
Let’s take a look at each rarity in more detail.
Commons, Uncommons, and Rares

The above image is a great example of how the C, U, and R cards look similar.
For collectors, these rarities are far less desirable. Players of the TCG will be happy to know that prices will remain affordable if they want to include any of these in their decks.
One thing to note here is that the R rarity will be a foil. You will find a foil R in each booster pack.
There are also R-ALT cards, but you won’t find these in regular booster packs. You can only get these in the Collector’s Booster packs exclusive to the Challenger Series decks.
Ultra Rare and Ultra Rare Alternate

It’s easy to see the difference between the UR and UR-ALT rarity. But there are some nuances to note.
This set Battle For Humanity contains 30 different UR cards, but only 20 UR-ALT versions. So in other words, not all UR rarities have alternate artwork.
In addition to this, UR-ALT cards are much more rare than UR cards. In the booster box that I opened (24 booster packs), I pulled 5 URs but only 1 UR-ALT.
It seems that each box may guarantee at least 1 UR-ALT rarity.
Secret Rare and Secret Rare Alternate

Secret Rares are very tough to pull. You will likely only find 1 per booster box, although some players have reported finding 2 Secret Rares in a single booster box.
There are 13 in total for this set, and each one has an alternate artwork version. You have to be seriously lucky to pull an SR-ALT!
Character Common, Uncommon, and Rare

Similar to the other C, UC, and R rarities above, the Character rarities are hard to tell apart based on artwork alone.
In this case, the card’s rarity has very little to do with its function. The rarity instead seems to be based on the popularity of that character. For example, a generic Titan is Common, but the Anime’s main characters are all Rare and Ultra Rare, such as Mikasa.
Each booster pack contains one Character card and will be a non-holofoil. The foil Eren Yeager, Promising Scout Character card can be found in the Challenger Series Deck.
Character Ultra Rare and Ultra Rare Alternate

Here we get into some of the more desirable cards in the set.
There are a total of 5 CH-UR cards in the set, but only 4 CH-UR-ALT cards. Unfortunately, Hange Zoe is left out.
But you can find Levi, Mikasa (pictured above), Armin, and Eren all with alternate artwork. Since each booster pack contains a Character card, there is a teeny tiny small chance that you will instead pull the alternate version!
Character Secret Rare and Secret Rare Alternate

The penultimate rarity we have to go over is CH-SR and CH-SR-ALT.
There is only ONE of each! And as you can see, it is the Beast Titan. Why does he have his own rarity? Well, I don’t know. Leave a comment below if you have any theories!
Chrome Rare

Pictured above are the 6 Chrome Rare cards available in Battle for Humanity.
Notice at the bottom of each card there is a serial number xxx/100. Only 100 copies of each card are printed, and each has its own unique number on it.
These are the rarest cards in the game and sell for big bucks on the secondary market. If you pull one of these, you are truly lucky.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, this guide helped!
Rarities can be confusing in any TCG when you’re trying to keep track of products, foil versions, decks, and more. If there is anything I missed or if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below.

Hi, I'm Oliver. I've been collecting Pokémon cards for 25+ years. I hope you enjoyed your read and learned something. Learn more about me on the About page.