Is The McDonald's Pikachu Card Valuable?
By: Oliver Copeland
- Published:
- Last Updated: December 2, 2023
In 2021 McDonald’s held their usual Pokémon card promotion, but this year it was a little bit different. Between Logan Paul, the pandemic, and supply chain issues, Pokémon card collecting was experiencing an all-time high. For the first time ever, McDonald’s included booster packs in their Happy Meals instead of just a single card/toy. Furthermore, they released the largest set yet with 25 cards, each having a holofoil variant for a total of 50 cards.
As you’d have already guessed, scalpers were all over McDonald’s locations and the card market on eBay was hot. All for a single card- the holofoil Pikachu. Time has passed now, a year to be precise. So the question is: Is the McDonald’s Pikachu card valuable?
The McDonald’s holofoil Pikachu from 2021 is currently selling on eBay in the $30-$40 range.
If you’re looking for the 2022 McDonald’s Pikachu price, click here.
What is the McDonald’s Pikachu card?
The McDonald’s collection from 2021 featured 25 unique cards. The set included every starter Pokémon thus far, as well as Pikachu. Each card was also available in the holofoil variant.

Each booster pack included with a Happy Meal contained four cards, one being the holofoil. Since each booster pack contained one holofoil and there were 25 to collect, the odds of pulling the holofoil Pikachu was 1/25.

However, the community reported different odds. Many collectors found that the odds were closer to a 1/50 chance. Although this isn’t proven, it’s not uncommon for the chase card to be more difficult to pull.
The Pikachu card itself is not original to the Mcdonald’s collection but a reprint of the Japanese Daiichi Pan promo. Daiichi Pan is a Japanese bakery made famous for its melon bread.
The difference between the original and the McDonald’s promo is, of course, the language as well as the Pikachu 25th anniversary logo on the bottom right of the illustration box.

How much does it sell for?
When the promotion first began, some copies of the holofoil Pikachu were going for as high as $500 but very quickly dropped to the $100 range, then settled around $50 a week after that.
For the length of the promotion, the Pikachu held steady around the $50 range but began to decline as more and more copies flooded the market. Six months later, the price was where it is today, in the $30-$40 range.*
*It’s important to note that these prices and sales only apply to the holofoil variant of the card. The non-holofoil never exceeded a price of ~$5.
Best place to buy/sell a McDonald’s Pikachu card
eBay is the largest second-hand card market in the world. If you are looking to sell the holofoil Pikachu or perhaps purchase one, eBay is your best bet.
You can also check your local card/hobby shops, yard sales, thrift stores, or pawn shops for Pokémon cards.
Final thoughts
Pikachu is one of the most recognizable faces on planet Earth. When a holofoil promotional Pikachu became available through America’s favorite fast-food restaurant in 2021, fans went berserk.
Some time has passed now and the dust has settled. If you want to pick up a copy for yourself, you’ll only have to dish out $30-$40 on eBay. If you have a copy and you’re looking to sell it, you missed your chance! The value peaked when the first few copies hit the market early, and rapidly dropped off after that.