Do Sleeves Damage Cards?
By: Oliver Copeland
- Published:
- Last Updated: December 3, 2023
When it comes to collecting trading cards, the condition is everything. Whether it’s Pokémon, Magic, or sports cards, a small scratch or worn edge can seriously hurt the value. The last thing you want is to damage your card when you’re actually trying to protect it with a sleeve.
Can Penny Sleeves Damage Cards?
Generally speaking, no, sleeves don’t damage your cards. However, improper sleeve practices will damage your cards. This can include the insertion/removal of your cards, the size and type of sleeve you choose, long-term storage methods, and environmental factors.
Sleeves Sizes That Can Cause Damage
Most trading cards are 2.5 X 3.5 inches, so the standard sleeve size is a bit bigger. However, there are sleeves that are 2.5 X 3.5 inches too. These sleeves fit the card exactly.
These are often referred to as slim-fit, perfect fit, or inner sleeves. Some collectors prefer slim-fit sleeves because they are easy to handle and can be sleeved again.
However, these sleeves are such a tight fit that they can cause damage. This isn’t the sleeve’s fault, but instead, the users. If the sleeve is just a little bit too tight, or if the card is just a little bit too large, it can be a pain in the butt to get a card into a slim-fit sleeve.
If the card doesn’t insert easily into the sleeve, stop. Try another sleeve (maybe you got a weird one) and if it still doesn’t fit, don’t try again.
Struggling to insert a card is going to cause damage. Do not proceed. Find another solution like different sleeves.
Using Dirty Sleeves
Using sleeves that are past their prime can cause damage. If you have sleeves that are accumulating scratches on the front, just get new ones.
Since most sleeves leave one edge open, dust and dirt particles can still get inside. Over time, the chances of your sleeves collecting some dust increase.
If there are small particles inside your sleeve when you insert/remove your cards, this can cause scratches. It is possible to clean card sleeves, but it is always better to just buy new ones.
How To Safely Insert And Remove Cards From Sleeves
Inserting Cards
Inserting most cards is going to be pretty fool-proof but there are a few things we still need to cover.
Be Gentle
The skin on our fingers is rough enough to damage the edge of a card if the correct force is applied. Also, we have oil on our skin that can get on the card. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it can lead to dust/dirt collection later on.
When inserting a card, remember to hold the card by its edges and gently slide it into the sleeve. If any force is required, the sleeve may be too small.
Square Corners
Some cards have square corners, like sports cards. Unfortunately, it’s common to find sports cards with the bottom left corner damaged. In many cases, it’s hard to see but it’s there.
Why? Well, most people are right-handed and as they insert the card into a sleeve, the corner can catch the top edge of the sleeve, sometimes inflicting damage.
There are two ways to solve this problem.
1. With a sharp razor or knife, cut the top left edge of the sleeve.
This small cut allows for a little extra room so the square corner does not catch. A delicate cut with a sharp blade will not be noticeable.
2. Cut a spare sleeve to use as a guide.
Cut a sleeve along the lines above, resulting in a piece that will open like a book. Then place this around the bottom edge of the card and insert it into an uncut sleeve.
The guide you just cut will act as a barrier for the square corner.
Removing Cards
The number one rule here is to never apply pressure to the face of the card when removing it. Instead, gently pinch the edges and pull the card out with your thumb and index finger.
Some sleeves are soft enough that you can push the card out by pressing on the bottom.
Do Sleeves Bend Cards?
Sleeves sometimes get blamed for cards bending or developing a curve to them. Unless the sleeve is very tight, this won’t happen.
It’s possible for a card to warp while sleeved, but this is due to moisture being absorbed from the air, and the card wanting to expand. This happens naturally and isn’t considered damage to your card.
However, most sleeves won’t allow this to happen.
Sleeves We Recommend
- Ultra Pro (Link to Amazon)
- Ultra Pro Pro-fit (Link to Amazon)
- Dragonshield Matte (Link to Amazon)
- Dragonshield Resealable (Link to Amazon)
- Titan Shield (Link to Amazon)
Sleeves shouldn’t be blamed for damaging cards. Most of the time, it’s a user error. Cards are delicate, especially when they’re being inserted and removed from sleeves all the time, so be gentle with them. Do sleeves damage cards? No, they can’t.

Hi, I'm Oliver. I've been collecting Pokémon cards for 25+ years. I hope you enjoyed your read and learned something. Learn more about me on the About page.